Total Weight Loss/Gain: I'm up 3 pounds.
Size of Baby: The baby is about the size of a sweet potato!
Maternity Clothes: They are much more fun to wear to work than regular work clothes.
Sleep: I sleep like the dead right now. My body is exhausted!
Movement: Nothing yet - I can't wait to feel something!
Cravings/Aversions: My love of candy is back! And it's almost Halloween = perfect!
What I Miss: Being able to carry heavy stuff myself.
Gender: I'm so looking forward to September 14th! It's what's getting me through these first few crazy weeks of school. I'm totally unsure what it is - I guess my gut tells me girl but then I doubt myself and think boy. Had to go to the doctor last week for a little issue (nothing wrong!) and the heart rate was in the 140s, which is right in the middle. I think it jumped back up into the 150s though once she found it.
Mood: Pretty good! Stressed but good.
Milestones: We got our baby furniture! I have love/hate feelings toward Babies R Us, but they put the furniture we had been eyeing on amazing sale and we jumped on it. We got our crib FOR FREE! It's awesome! I also finally sold my little coupe today! It was a little sad to say goodbye to that car! It was sporty and young - I bought it because of that, knowing it would probably be my last chance to have a car like that. So now the search for something kid-friendly can really get going! I'm excited to have something bigger and more roomy! And by the way, I think it's safe to say the nausea is gone. I haven't thrown up in over 3 weeks and it is amazing! Pepcid AC is helping my heartburn a lot too - better living through chemistry.
Medical Concerns: None, thankfully!
Anything Else You'd Like to Share: My feet are killing me! I can hardly walk on the hard kitchen floor when I got home at night. It's always like this the first couple weeks of school, but this may be a little worse. I have the full pregnancy waddle going on already - all because of my feet hurting! And apparently this point in the pregnancy brings a lot of back pain, which I'm definitely having. My spine kills me at the end of the day. Can you say whiny much? It was neat telling my students about being pregnant! 8th graders are so funny - some of them are excited and some of them just stare in horror. Pregnancy is very gross to most of them I think. I figure their parents owe me some sort of fee - having a teacher be pregnant and possibly go into labor in front of them will essentially be like free birth control for the next 10 years at least!
What I Look Forward to: A three-day weekend! And hopefully having one day where I stay in pajamas all day!