I don't have your current weight and height since we don't see the pediatrician this month. You're still in size 3 diapers and 6-12 month clothes for the most part.
Here's what else you're up to:
- You are officially crawling! You've been so close for so long, but on Wednesday (August 21st) you finally did it. It's very exciting! I know it will make you happy to be able to move around more easily now. I don't think you've figured out that if I walk across the room that you can follow me just yet. I know you will be crawling all over the place before we know it though! We have lots of babyproofing on the agenda this weekend!
- You've been eating pureed foods for about a month. I've been making your baby food and it's going really well - very easy for me and healthy for you. So far you've had bananas, sweet potatoes, peaches, green beans, pumpkin, and applesauce, and you've liked everything! You have oatmeal each morning and a puree in the evening. You are very serious about food and it cracks us up to watch you bang your hand on the high chair inbetween bites or while I'm preparing your food...it's your way of showing approval for what you're eating and saying "more!"
- We're pretty sure your top front teeth are about to make an appearance. Poor baby! They've completely thrown your sleeping for a loop! We were getting into a routine with sleep training before this, but right now we're in survival mode and just trying to get through the night. It has been rough and we are all exhausted! I know it's toughest for you...it has to be painful! I got you an amber teething necklace last week and it's definitely helping with drooling and fussiness during the day. At night, it's very tough to get you back to sleep once you wake up though. Hopefully those little chompers break through soon!
- Most days you take two good naps if we're home...usually a longer one in the morning and a shorter one in the afternoon. So far we just haven't had much success with napping in your crib, so you nap in your swing.
- You are pulling up on things to stand and it amazes us how strong you are! Today you moved from standing at the ottoman to your rocker all by yourself! You love to grab our hands and pull up from sitting to standing. I know someday soon you will take off! Daddy walked at 9 months and I think you may follow suit...Mama's not sure she's ready for all that yet! You are a little daredevil...SO ACTIVE and always trying to find a way to get to whatever might be dangerous - haha!
- You LOVE Mickey Mouse! When Mickey Mouse Clubhouse comes on TV, you have a fit when you see Mickey! It's seriously one of the cutest things I've ever seen in my life. Mickey has some sort of magical power over babies because your cousin Gracie was the same way about him.
- You've started hollering/growling a lot...in stores, in the car! It's hilarious! Today you've been saying "gah" a lot. You have the sweetest laugh I've ever heard! It honestly doesn't even sound real...it sounds like a babydoll. You have a very sweet disposition and I love seeing your precious little personality come out more and more.
- Favorite toys: your exersaucer, giraffe teether, stuffed bubblegum bunny, Melissa & Doug picnic basket, stuffed Mickey Mouse, pink rattle ball, toy cell phone teether
- Current nicknames: Bambina, Clairepie, Tootie Bird, Tootie
Claire, you are our sweet tiny tiger and we love you to the moon and back!