You are still a weigh about 20.5 lbs. We will see the doctor next month and get your other measurements. You still wear size 3 diapers and most of your clothes are in the 6-12 month range. Most of your 9 month Carter's clothes still fit, but I don't think it will be long before you move to 12 month clothes.
Here's what you're doing these days:
- You are all over the place and into everything! You crawl all over the place and get around very fast these days. You are pulling up on everything and cruising around the furniture pretty handily. You're starting to let go a little bit, so I'm sure you'll be standing on your own before long. You have no fear and always, always gravitate to whatever is dangerous. You keep me on my toes for sure! Today I found you eating the cat food...oops! You are such an adorable mess!
- You tried Cheerios last week for the first time and you LOVE them! You like Gerber Puffs too. You've had many different kinds of pureed and mashed foods...most all of them have been a hit, although carrots and peas don't seem to agree with your tummy so we've put those on hold for now. I think your favorites are sweet potatoes and peaches. You eat oatmeal for breakfast and a veggie or fruit for dinner. I've recently started giving you oatmeal at night too (sometimes mixed with your fruit) in hopes that it would help you sleep. Saturday night you and I went to dinner with Pinky & Papaw while Daddy was at the A&M football game...between every bite of food, you were screeching/growling/yelling! It was hilarious and a bit were causing a ruckus, but luckily you're cute and people seemed to think it was funny!
- You have the most adorably chubby legs! Your cheeks are super pinchable...Aunt Lizzie always says they touch your shoulders! Your eyes are striking...they're a beautiful blue pearl color. Your Daddy hoped for a blue-eyed baby girl and you did not disappoint! Your hair has gotten a lot thicker in the last few weeks. We still can't completely figure out the different times/in different lights it can look blonde, brown, or auburn.
- Your top front teeth are finally through...whew! You wear an amber teething necklace and it definitely helps with drooling and pain/fussiness during the day. Nights have been are usually up three times a night, often to eat. As I mentioned earlier, Mommy and Daddy think back on your newborn days with great fondness, but that doesn't mean we want you to sleep like a newborn. Now that your front teeth have finally broken through, we're restarting the Ferber method tonight.'s hoping it works...we really (really, really) need sleep. Thankfully, you're a good napper and if we're home, you'll usually take two consistent naps during the day.
- You're saying "Dada" and "Mama" and babbling constantly. It's so cute! Hearing you say "Mama" is one of the best feelings ever. Your giggle is infectious...the surefire way to hear it is to shake my head so that my hair moves around. You think that's hilarious! Today I discovered that you crack up if I throw your stuffed animals up in the air...silly girl!
- You love animals. Teddy and Aurora entertain you endlessly! It is so cute to see you get so excited to see them! Teddy loves and sympathizes with you to the point that he howls if you cry. The more he howls, the more you cry, and so it goes! It makes for some very interesting moments at our house. I'm just waiting for the day when the cops show up because of all the commotion!
- Hands down, books are your favorite thing in the world. You love to turn the pages! It's super cute and it makes my heart happy to think about you being a book lover.
- Favorite toys: books, plastic Easter eggs, blocks, Gloworm, bouncy balls
- Current nicknames: Bambina, Clairebear, Cubbybear (Papaw's favorite), Pookie, Tootenberg (ridiculous Breaking Bad reference!)
- Your top front teeth are finally through...whew! You wear an amber teething necklace and it definitely helps with drooling and pain/fussiness during the day. Nights have been are usually up three times a night, often to eat. As I mentioned earlier, Mommy and Daddy think back on your newborn days with great fondness, but that doesn't mean we want you to sleep like a newborn. Now that your front teeth have finally broken through, we're restarting the Ferber method tonight.'s hoping it works...we really (really, really) need sleep. Thankfully, you're a good napper and if we're home, you'll usually take two consistent naps during the day.
- You're saying "Dada" and "Mama" and babbling constantly. It's so cute! Hearing you say "Mama" is one of the best feelings ever. Your giggle is infectious...the surefire way to hear it is to shake my head so that my hair moves around. You think that's hilarious! Today I discovered that you crack up if I throw your stuffed animals up in the air...silly girl!
- You love animals. Teddy and Aurora entertain you endlessly! It is so cute to see you get so excited to see them! Teddy loves and sympathizes with you to the point that he howls if you cry. The more he howls, the more you cry, and so it goes! It makes for some very interesting moments at our house. I'm just waiting for the day when the cops show up because of all the commotion!
- Hands down, books are your favorite thing in the world. You love to turn the pages! It's super cute and it makes my heart happy to think about you being a book lover.
- Favorite toys: books, plastic Easter eggs, blocks, Gloworm, bouncy balls
- Current nicknames: Bambina, Clairebear, Cubbybear (Papaw's favorite), Pookie, Tootenberg (ridiculous Breaking Bad reference!)
Claire, you are just the most precious thing in the world. When I think of all the fun we're going to have in the next few months celebrating all your first holidays, I can hardly wait! You are our pride and joy and we love you, sweet baby!