Monday, December 23, 2013

Claire - 11 Months

Claire, you are 11 months old! You are growing up so fast and doing so many new things each day. You are a joyful, spirited, smart little girl. 
I'm not sure what you weigh right now...I'd guess maybe 24 lbs or so? You are still adorably chunky! Most of your clothes are 12-18 months and you wear size 4 diapers. 
Here's what else you're doing:
- You take a few steps everyday but you aren't really a "walker" yet. If we try to get you to walk more than you like, you'll just drop to your knees and crawl. You can crawl very fast and I think you just haven't reached the point where you're ready to give that up to do something a little less comfortable. We got you a walker toy for Christmas so I have a feeling that may give you the practice you need to take off with confidence very soon!
- You're comprehending more and saying more. You love dogs, just like your Daddy and your Gigi! You call every animal you see a dog and you usually say it over and over. If we meow at you, you do your own little version of a meow right back. It's all really cute!
- You're getting more comfortable playing independently. This is a good step for you, as well as Mommy and Daddy!
- You are wonderful in so many ways, but you are a terrible sleeper. Getting you to sleep is a long process that sometimes takes hours and you never sleep through the night. We've tried pretty much everything and don't really know what else to do except wait it out. 
- What you lack in the sleeping department, you make up for in the eating department. You are an excellent eater! You will eat pretty much anything. If you see food, you start smacking your lips and making your way over to whoever has it. The other day you ate 10 silver dollar pancakes at your great grandparents' house!!!!!!! 
- You're still nursing. I'll start weaning you next month once you hit a year and we'll start the transition to whole milk. I'm thinking the weaning process will go smoothly, as you're starting to lose interest in nursing a bit. Breastfeeding a baby your age leads to some pretty hilarious moments. Sometimes you will pull the boppy pillow toward me to let me know you're hungry! 
- You like to clap, squeal and jabber. You cuddle with us. You love animals. You're very fond of all of your cousins. It's really sweet to see you with them!
- You met Santa at the mall recently. Even though your cousin Gracie had a pretty epic Santa meltdown right before you met him, you played it pretty cool until we put you on his lap. You stared at him in wonder and amazement and then looked at us and cried...poor baby! 
Current nicknames: Clairee, Tootie, Tootenstein, Cubby Bear
Favorite toys: books, lion walker, princess riding toy and zoo train.
Claire, we couldn't love you more if we tried! You are our sweet, special girl and each day with you brings something fun and new. You've made this Christmas so wonderful. I thought I was obsessed with Christmas before, but there is nothing like when you have a child of your own to celebrate with. We are so thankful for you and all the love and joy you've brought to our little family. It's hard to believe you will be 1 in just a month...I swear I was just holding you in my arms in the hospital. You'll always be that sweet, snugly baby to me, as well as the smart, growing girl you are today. We love you to the moon and back!