Claire, you are 1 year old! What a fun and special year it has been! It's amazing how much you have changed, and yet you're still that sweet, pouty-lipped little angel we brought home from the hospital a year ago.
Here are all your particulars:
Weight: 23 lbs, 6 oz - 90th percentile
Height: 30 in - 77th percentile
Head: 19 in - 99th percentile
You're in mostly 12-18 month clothes, with some 18-24 months. You wear size 4 diapers. You have the most amazingly adorable chunky thighs...I consider them my greatest work of art!
Here's what else you're up to these days:
- You're walking more and more everyday. You're taking your time and being very cautious about the whole thing. You concentrate very hard when you're walking - it's so cute!
- You talk and babble constantly! Today I'm pretty sure you repeated "good girl" back to me. The latest craze for you is saying "Dada" whisper it to a lot, which makes your Daddy turn into a giant pile of goo! You've also started calling him "Dado" are so funny!
- We found out at your 1 year appointment that you have 1.5 molars! That means 9.5 teeth total (probably a full 10 by now!).
- You're putting those chompers to good use! You're a great eater. We started trying out whole milk on your birthday. I'm writing this post a couple weeks after your birthday, and you're now completely weaned from breastmilk. You like whole milk and I'm very glad that it's been a very smooth transition overall!
- You came down with a respiratory virus in early January. The cough and the endless snotty nose lingered for awhile, but you're all better. Our little family and our extended family have had so much sickness this winter...I have never seen anything like it! Thankfully it's all been fairly minor, but spring cannot come soon enough!
- You wave, clap, and laugh a lot. You keep us laughing all the time - you are such a funny girl! You have a very sweet disposition and you're also very determined about what you want, which is a pretty perfect combination, if you ask me!
- You are starting to use your imagination when you play! You're really into sorting and moving things in and out of containers. You've recently started pretending to take imaginary things out of something and hand them to us. It blows us away that you can already conceptualize that!
- And drumroll are sleeping through the night! Your Daddy and I are afraid to even talk about it for fear of jinxing the whole thing! It seemed to coincide with transitioning away from breastmilk to whole milk...not sure what that means, although I guess it could be just a coincidence. I'm not altogether convinced that this is permanent, as your sleep patterns seem to change constantly, but it sure is nice for all of us to be getting such good rest! You also usually take one long nap in the middle of the day.
- Your birthday was a very special day! "Dado" took off from work and we got to spend the day together. We had donuts for breakfast, Chick-fil-A for lunch, and steak for dinner! What can I only turn 1 once!!! We also took a trip to the new Austin Aquarium, which was really neat! On the way home from there, it started sleeting/snowing! It was magical and I will never forget it, just like the wonderful day you were born.
- A couple days later we celebrated with a big birthday party at our house. It was so much fun! So many sweet friends and family came to celebrate your big day, many of them from out of town. We are so blessed to have such lovely people in our lives!
Current nicknames: Clarabelle, Tootie, Tooters
Favorite toys: talking makeup mirror, Little People toy sets, books, and your new wagon. Your little Octonauts bath toy figurines are your constant companions.
Claire, the day your were born was the best day of our lives. You've brought so much joy into this home! It's hard to imagine what life was like before you came into the world. You are so smart and just as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside. You're a special little girl and you make each day so much fun. Having you was the best thing your Daddy and I ever did. You are a precious gift and we will never stop thanking God for you! Happy Birthday, baby!