Total Weight Gain: I'll find out next week at my doctor's appointment.
Size of Baby: Baby James is the size of a banana!
Maternity Clothes: Yes!
Sleep: Bad, bad, bad! Between our cat acting like a psycho all night and my acid reflux, sleep has not been plentiful. Friday night I had a pretty bad acid/choking episode and slept a grand total of 3 hours between 6 and 9 am...brutal!
Movement: Maybe a couple flutters but not much else. :(
Cravings/Aversions: Craving sweets! And very thirsty - trying to drink water like it's my job.
What I Miss: Booze. Just being honest.
Gender: Boy! Sweet baby James!
Mood: Pretty good! Nesting - I have quite a list of projects!
Symptoms/Medical Concerns: Feeling pretty good overall. My feet are sore...when I get up in the mornings my feet feel like I've already been walking around a lot. Feeling a little out of breath at times when I'm leaning down to put Claire's shoes on, etc.
I finished off my bottle of Diclegis (anti-nausea med) this week. One day recently I forgot to take it and had nausea; but since stopping it fully this week, I've been feeling fine with the exception of a tiny hint of gagging in the morning when I brush my teeth.
Differences from Last Pregnancy: Right now they're feeling pretty similar.
Milestones: Reaching the halfway point! The last couple months have gone quickly, but time before that seemed to crawl. Crazy exciting to think that we'll be having a baby in less than 5 months!
Best Moment this Week: Buying some adorable clothes for my sweet boy! It's weird to be shopping for a boy...I'm so used to just automatically going to the girl section. As I expected, you really have to dig for cute boy stuff. I'm pretty picky about boy clothes...I really don't care for the trend of tons of writing all over t-shirts and fake ties. I think it's bizarre to look at a sweet little boy and see "If you think I'm cute, you should see my aunt/cousin/dad, etc" written in bold print on his shirt. Isn't our culture going to inflate a kid's ego enough down the road? Can't we just let them be babies? Anyway, I found several really sweet sleepers and outfits for James...can't wait to see him in them!
What I'm Looking Forward to: My appointment next week!
Here's a halfway point bump picture!