Wednesday, September 24, 2014
33 Weeks
Size of Baby: Baby Boy is the size of a pineapple.
Sleep: Overall I'm sleeping really well, but I've been having some choking episodes that wake me up soon after falling asleep. They are relatively minor and I think totally related to the baby being positioned so high up. I'm also having some leg cramping again.
Movement: Yes, lots! Lately the movement often feels like tightening...I'm not sure if that's Braxton Hicks or if he's just running out of space so it feels cramped when he moves.
Cravings/Aversions: Most of my cravings are for sweets.
Gender: Baby Boy James!
Mood: Pretty good overall, but a little overwhelmed, worried, etc. Today I sat down with my calendar and looked at the next few weeks and it really hit me how close we are. While most of the big stuff is done, there's a pretty long to-do list of little things. There's also just a lot going on this time of year and life is busy with something always going on, something to worry about, etc. Claire is cutting her two year molars early and in the early phases of the "terrible twos" and dealing with that while being 8 months pregnant isn't easy. *I just went back and read this paragraph and I sound pretty whiny! I'm so thankful to have a sweet little girl like Claire and have all this stuff to do to prepare for another sweet baby to enter the world and join our family! I don't mean to sound negative, but sometimes life can be....well, a lot! ;)
Symptoms: As I mentioned above, I've been having more reflux lately. I'm also having some hip/leg pain as well as sharp nerve pains intermittently.
Best Moment this Week: We had a great weekend visiting Cam's family. It's crazy to think that the next trip we make will be as a family of four!
What I'm Looking Forward to: Two things!
1) The baby dropping in a few weeks.
2) My parents are keeping Claire overnight on Friday night. I'm looking forward to spending time with Cam and getting some extra rest. This is only the second night Claire and I have spent apart so Big Sister needs a little sleepover practice before we go to the hospital to have James.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
32 Weeks
Seriously, how are we two months out? Wild!
Total Weight Gain: I gained a pound since my last appointment, so 22 lbs total.
Size of Baby: Sweet baby James is the size of a large jicama.
Sleep: I'm sleeping okay. Thankfully no leg cramps this week!
Movement: Yes, he is very active, especially at night. After finding out his position at our ultrasound yesterday morning, I think a lot of his strange-feeling movements make a lot more sense (more below)!
Cravings/Aversions: Tater tots
Gender: Baby Boy...James Strutton Todd
Mood: Last week was a bit of a rollarcoaster and stressful, but the rainy, cool weekend did me a lot of good. My emotions/hormones are a bit all over the place still, but I feel like I'm not getting so bogged down this week. If something upsets me, I get upset and then I'm too tired to hold onto it - haha!
Symptoms: I'm definitely starting to feel it! I have very little energy and I'm having some pain in my left hip due to ligament stretching. A few times recently I've had these weird shooting pains in very uncomfortable places that almost make me double over. Dr. Orth said these are nerves getting compressed. All of this stuff is normal end of pregnancy stuff. I suspect some of the tight-feeling "movements" I feel at night are actually Braxton-Hicks contractions. Since this ain't my first rodeo, I feel a little stupid admitting that I don't know, but I feel like my Braxton-Hicks with Claire felt different.
My appointment yesterday went swimmingly! We had a growth ultrasound first and Sir James is looking very healthy and very cute. The placenta stuff is definitely not obstructing his doctor jokes it's actually a blessing because he'd be huge without it! He currently weighs 4 lbs, 13 ounces (84th percentile) and measures about a week and a half ahead. They say he is big, but not too big. We had an ultrasound at this same point in the pregnancy with Claire and I went back and read her 32 week post today and she weighed 4 lbs, 14 ounces! Seems like they are on par with each other so far. It'll all depend on when Jamesie decides to make his arrival.
He has moved into an odd position. He's no longer head down...right now it's way up at the top of my uterus and his bum is down on the lower left. His hands and feet are all up by his head! Sounds terribly uncomfortable to me! We nearly couldn't get a view of his face today because there were so many limbs in the way, but when I moved onto my side we got some pictures of his face. He is so precious and looks a lot like Claire with the same pouty lips. I can't wait to meet him!
Dr. Orth said babies change positions all the time and that there's plenty of time for him to move back into head down position. If he hasn't at 36 weeks, I'll start doing some exercises to encourage him. Hopefully he will move sooner than that - I feel like his current position is part of why I've been feeling so uncomfortable lately.
Best Moment this Week: Getting to see James yesterday! He is my precious pumpkin!
What I'm Looking Forward to: We are going to Sugar Land to spend the weekend with Cam's family. It will be our last trip before babytime. Can't wait to see everyone!
Here are a couple pictures from the ultrasound!
And here's Claire, also at 32 weeks. Fun to compare!
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
31 Weeks
Size of Baby: James is the size of a coconut.
Sleep: It's pretty good but I need more of it! It's my own fault though...I am such a nightowl. I get really tired as the day goes on, but then right when I should start winding down or sometimes even after I fall asleep for a bit, I get a second wind and stay up way too late! I'm really trying to talk myself into going to bed earlier. This could be the last couple months of good sleep I get for an entire year if this baby is like his sister!!
Movement: Yes, it seems like he is turning somersaults regularly. It feels crazy!
Cravings/Aversions: I had a craving for pecan pie and my wonderful mama made it for me this weekend. It was delicious!
What I Miss: I guess just having more energy and being comfortable, but it's all totally worth it!
Gender: Baby Boy excited to see my little guy!
Mood: Okay, up and down. Today almost sent me over the edge though!
Awhile back I mentioned on the blog that I'd found out I was a carrier for a blood disorder called hemochromatosis. We got Cam tested to rule out that he was a carrier/affected by this gene mutation to help us know what the genetic possibilities are for our kids. The plan was to wait to test them until they're older, as long as Cam was unaffected by this. Well, we got his results last week and he is also a carrier for a different type of gene mutation for hemochromatosis. I mean...what are the odds??? Actually, it's not that unusual...turns out these gene mutations are pretty common, especially among people of British lineage. Being a carrier is not that big of a deal, especially in Cam's case because his gene mutation is associated with a much milder form of this disorder, which he won't even develop since he is only a carrier.
This does bring up new questions for our kids though. If our babies ended up inheriting each of our bad genes, they could develop hemochromatosis. Luckily, they'd know from a young age and medical peeps call this the "good news disease" because there are things you can do about it. But I hate that my babies might have to deal with any of this! Of course, they could also inherit each of our good genes and have no concerns whatsoever!
Claire's pediatrician referred us to a genetic specialist to get her tested, so this morning I set out on the seemingly innocuous mission of making her an appointment. Little did I know I'd spend hours on the phone and end up crying my eyes out! I couldn't even get an appointment without getting Claire's medical records sent over, which is understandable. Then I got the runaround and was bounced back and forth on the phone between the specialists doctor's office and our insurance company. Even getting the most basic questions answered (Is this doctor in our insurance network?) was like asking someone to solve the Middle East peace crisis. And trying to find out if any of this genetic specialist stuff would be covered by our insurance? Forget about it...that was like asking someone to explain the meaning of life. Apparently, in the totally screwed up state of our healthcare system, we (the patient, the people paying the insurance company an obscene amount of money every month) are responsible for seeing that these doctors code everything in a very particular matter in order to get it covered at maximum benefit. Don't even get me started on this issue - I could write a dissertation on the absurdity of a code making the difference in coverage for a very medically necessary test for my child, but just know that I have MANY THOUGHTS ON THIS ISSUE. After realizing that we were stepping into a minefield, I talked Claire's pediatrician into ordering the test herself (I even knew the correct covered code to tell her, y'all!). That way we are pretty confident the test will be covered and will know where we stand before going to see a specialist. Chalk it up to hormones, chalk it up to the insane state of the American healthcare system, chalk it up to Claire throwing an absolute shitfit when I tried to talk on the phone with her pediatrician...but this mama was in tears before it was all said and done. And in the back of my mind, part of those tears were for families who have to navigate these tricky waters while finding out their kids have serious, pressing medical issues. I can't imagine what that is like and I pray for those people.
Symptoms: I'm pretty exhausted and uncomfortable. Even sitting upright is becoming a challenge! I've been having some pretty bad leg cramps in the middle of the night. Strangely, they seem to be happening in the muscles in my right leg above the metal plate in my ankle. It feels so freaky! If there was a camera in this house in the very early morning hours, you would see a big old pregnant lady pacing around the loop in the kitchen and living room trying to work out a cramp. That'll scare any potential burglars away...haha! I haven't had anymore "seeing spots" episodes, so that's good news!
Best Moment this Week: Getting the bedding set up in the crib. It looks so sweet! Back when I was pregnant with Claire, before we knew she was a girl, I bought some bedding for a boy that was being discontinued. I obviously didn't use it with Claire and held onto it for Baby #2, so we've been able to use it this time! I feel like the nesting I mentioned last week is paying off! The nursery is slowly coming together and I got the final parts of Claire's big sister gift yesterday.
Also, I was very excited to hear that my favorite couple, William and Kate, are expecting again!
What I'm Looking Forward to: Fall weather arriving this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, September 5, 2014
30 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: I'm up 21 lbs total.
Size of Baby: James is the size of a large cabbage! My little cabbage patch kid!
Sleep: It's okay.
Movement: Yes, he is quite a wild man these days. I think when I'm walking around it rocks him to sleep, but when I'm sitting or laying down he is very active. Last night Cam and I watched my stomach just move around, which is cool but a little freaky!
Cravings/Aversions: Kit Kats and junky stuff from Sonic. You know me...all about the healthy stuff.
What I Miss: I miss being comfortable!
Gender: A son! I still can't believe it! I don't know if it's the fact that I already have a girl, grew up with a sister myself, or secretly kinda always saw myself having two girls...but a boy is just a whole new world that I'm very excited to experience. I can't wait to see his sweet little face. I hope he looks like his Daddy. :)
Mood: I feel a little all over the place and overwhelmed. Nesting has kicked in again in full force and I feel like I need to do a billion things right this second! For example, I started Christmas shopping on Monday. This is something I fully planned to do early because I know that with having a brand new baby at home and recovering from childbirth, there won't be any time left for shopping in that month or so between babytime and Christmas. We also have a billion birthday, wedding, and baby presents to get for various things this Fall, so I just started knocking stuff out. I have ordered so many things online in the last week, it will be a small miracle if I can keep everything straight! I'm also working on getting the nursery finished up and feeling like I just can't seem to keep my house clean enough. Like I said...NESTING.
Symptoms: I've definitely hit the third trimester wall in the last few days. All that nesting I mentioned's being met by a pretty strong dose of exhaustion. I'm having trouble getting out of bed in the morning. It's still so hot outside and I feel so uncomfortable. Yesterday we had a family from our Sunday School class over for dinner. I was finishing up dinner, visiting with my friend, and trying to negotiate a very clingy Claire who didn't want to to be put down so I could get everything ready to serve (fit throwing/clingyness when I'm trying to prepare food seems to be one of my daughter's specialties). Anyway, I don't know if it was just a lot going on, being dehydrated, or just plain overdoing it...but while all of this was going I started seeing black spots for about 20 minutes. I could see, but about half my vision was just spots. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to scare people, and having experienced this some during my first pregnancy, I knew I just needed to finish up, sit down, drink some water and eat. After doing that, I got to feeling better, but boy was it disorienting and a little scary! I know I need to cool it a little bit.
In more upbeat news, I had an appointment on Tuesday and it went great! My doctor seems really happy with how everything's going. When I go back in two weeks, I'll have another growth ultrasound due to the placenta issue. It will be fun to see how our little prince is growing and changing! Another good news item is that my swelling has been so much better this week.
Best Moment this Week: The last week is a blur somehow! I guess it'd be having a good appointment on Tuesday.
What I'm Looking Forward to: Doing some shopping for essentials tomorrow at Babies R Us! :)
Size of Baby: James is the size of a large cabbage! My little cabbage patch kid!
Sleep: It's okay.
Movement: Yes, he is quite a wild man these days. I think when I'm walking around it rocks him to sleep, but when I'm sitting or laying down he is very active. Last night Cam and I watched my stomach just move around, which is cool but a little freaky!
Cravings/Aversions: Kit Kats and junky stuff from Sonic. You know me...all about the healthy stuff.
What I Miss: I miss being comfortable!
Gender: A son! I still can't believe it! I don't know if it's the fact that I already have a girl, grew up with a sister myself, or secretly kinda always saw myself having two girls...but a boy is just a whole new world that I'm very excited to experience. I can't wait to see his sweet little face. I hope he looks like his Daddy. :)
Mood: I feel a little all over the place and overwhelmed. Nesting has kicked in again in full force and I feel like I need to do a billion things right this second! For example, I started Christmas shopping on Monday. This is something I fully planned to do early because I know that with having a brand new baby at home and recovering from childbirth, there won't be any time left for shopping in that month or so between babytime and Christmas. We also have a billion birthday, wedding, and baby presents to get for various things this Fall, so I just started knocking stuff out. I have ordered so many things online in the last week, it will be a small miracle if I can keep everything straight! I'm also working on getting the nursery finished up and feeling like I just can't seem to keep my house clean enough. Like I said...NESTING.
Symptoms: I've definitely hit the third trimester wall in the last few days. All that nesting I mentioned's being met by a pretty strong dose of exhaustion. I'm having trouble getting out of bed in the morning. It's still so hot outside and I feel so uncomfortable. Yesterday we had a family from our Sunday School class over for dinner. I was finishing up dinner, visiting with my friend, and trying to negotiate a very clingy Claire who didn't want to to be put down so I could get everything ready to serve (fit throwing/clingyness when I'm trying to prepare food seems to be one of my daughter's specialties). Anyway, I don't know if it was just a lot going on, being dehydrated, or just plain overdoing it...but while all of this was going I started seeing black spots for about 20 minutes. I could see, but about half my vision was just spots. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to scare people, and having experienced this some during my first pregnancy, I knew I just needed to finish up, sit down, drink some water and eat. After doing that, I got to feeling better, but boy was it disorienting and a little scary! I know I need to cool it a little bit.
In more upbeat news, I had an appointment on Tuesday and it went great! My doctor seems really happy with how everything's going. When I go back in two weeks, I'll have another growth ultrasound due to the placenta issue. It will be fun to see how our little prince is growing and changing! Another good news item is that my swelling has been so much better this week.
Best Moment this Week: The last week is a blur somehow! I guess it'd be having a good appointment on Tuesday.
What I'm Looking Forward to: Doing some shopping for essentials tomorrow at Babies R Us! :)
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