Here are all your particulars:
Height: 29 inches - 99.99th percentile
Weight: 22 lbs, 7 ounces - 98th percentile
Head: 17.75 inches - 92nd percentile
Here's what else you've been doing:
-You are large and in charge! Your doctor says you're the size of an average 11 month old! We were already planning to move you to a convertible carseat soon, but I ended up ordering it right after your 6 month appointment because your doctor said you'd outgrown the infant seat. You seem a lot happier now that you can sit up and see more in the car.
- You can sit up unassisted now! You look so cute sitting up all big and strong, and you really seem to enjoy your new viewpoint of the world! You also roll around a lot these days.
- We've been feeding you rice cereal for a month. Now you've tried bananas...initially you didn't like them, but you seem to be warming up to them a bit. Lately we've been giving you oatmeal in place of the rice cereal, and just like Claire, you seem to prefer it.
- It's been an interesting (read: challenging) month for our family. Claire came down with the flu in mid-April and then it spread through the family like wildfire. First me and Pinky, then Daddy, then Papaw. Thankfully, with the help of Tamiflu you didn't get it...which shocks me considering everyone else in the house did.We were so cautious all winter during cold and flu season with you being a newborn...we all got flu shots before you were born, etc...but spring has been a sick season for us. Daddy and I had a rough time taking care of you and your sister while she was sick and you were cutting those gorgeous new teeth, all while we had the flu! You did come down with a different virus a few weeks later, right around your six month had fever, runny nose, watery eyes, and a cough.
- You're going through a clingy phase and have been pretty fussy lately. People look at me like I'm nuts when I say that because you're such a happy, social little guy...but that's just are social, you don't like to be alone. Lately, when we're not with other people, if me or your dad aren't holding you or right near you, you are most likely upset. It makes for some tricky situations, especially during the weekdays when I'm by myself with you and Claire. She went through the same thing at this age and I know it's just a phase. Your doctor also says this is just a personality thing. You are such a sweet boy and we don't want you to be upset. :(
- Between sickness, teething, and all the other craziness, it's no wonder you aren't sleeping well. You wake up quite a bit at night and you're not napping well. I'm trying out different things to see if we can improve the nap situation...your little stinker of a sister has a habit of sabotaging your morning nap. You don't really care to nap outside of my arms....some days you're only napping on your own for an hour all day!!!!!!!!!!! This is far too little...hoping we can get things figured out and into more of a routine soon.
- We had you dedicated at church on Mother's Day, the day after you turned six months old. It was a sweet day with family. You are such a blessing to us.
Current nicknames: Jamesie, Jamesie-Boy, Crinkle Cut (because of the shape your eyes make when you smile), J-Bird, Drum
Favorite toys: Stuffed construction set, especially the little stop sign, all your teethers, toy car and football, xylophone and other musical toys, blocks you can bang together
James, you are just the best little man for our family! Your smile lights up the whole room...heck, I think it could bring about world peace! We are so thankful for you. Love you to the moon and back, sweet boy.