Wednesday, October 17, 2012

25 Weeks

Total Weight Loss/Gain: I forgot to weigh myself this morning when I got up...oops.

Size of Baby: Claire is the size of a cauliflower.

Maternity Clothes: Yes indeed!

Sleep: Been pretty good until last night, when I had another reflux/choking episode at 3 am. My throat is torn up now, and I look and feel like death today because of it! :(

Movement: Lots of it! It's the best feeling! One night last week, Cam laid his head very gently on my tummy and Claire kicked/punched harder than ever repeatedly! It was clear she knew that was her Daddy! She moved for 20 minutes straight for us - it was one of my favorite pregnancy moments yet!

Cravings/Aversions: I'm craving peanut butter crackers!

Gender: It's a girl - Claire Campbell Todd!

Mood: Pretty good. If I could ditch this job, my stress would lessen by about 95%.

Symptoms: All the usual things. I think the swelling in my ankles is a little better - I've been making a real effort this week to put my feet up more. We went out of town this weekend again and traveling is getting tougher - it hurts to sit in a car for very long.

Milestones: 15 more weeks to go! Can't believe how fast time is flying!

What I Look Forward To: Seeing what Claire looks like! Cam and I wonder about this daily. It's such a unique, amazing experience to carry around this little mystery for almost a year and not know what she will look like or be like personality-wise!

Bump picture from last night-

1 comment:

  1. You are beautiful! I love the baby bump picture.
    I can't wait to see what little Claire looks like too. It's so much fun to think about. We'll find out in 15 short weeks!
