Thursday, May 23, 2013

Claire - 4 Months Old

Claire, you are 4 months old! It seems like you're growing and changing so rapidly these days! Sometimes I get sad because you aren't a tiny newborn anymore, but you are so much fun right now that I can't get too sad. 
We go to the pediatrician week after next once Mommy's done with school, so I will update your stats then. Right now, you weigh between 16-17 lbs. You wear mostly 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers.
Here's the other exciting things you're doing:

- You are SO close to rolling over. You basically do it, but can't get completely flat on your belly because of that pesky arm. Tonight we thought for sure it was going to were working so hard to get over your arm and getting very frustrated. It will happen soon!

- You don't like to be held like a little baby anymore unless you're going to sleep. If we put you in that position, you will do little crunches and try to sit up. You much prefer to be held upright where you can look over our shoulder.
- You talk constantly! It's the cutest thing ever. You wake up very happy in the morning! You like to shriek, squeal, and jabber. We have some of our best conversations when you're on your changing pad. 

- You still love to eat. Usually you eat every 2 hours and you have the chunk to prove it. Your thighs are so adorably chubby! If I remember correctly, the pediatrician wants us to hold off until 6 months to introduce foods, but I'll get more info about that at your appointment.
- You're such a good sleeper! Every since Mommy went back to work, you go to sleep at 8:30-9 and have been sleeping until around 4, then eating and going back to sleep until 7. BUT this week you've started sleeping straight through to sometime between 5:30-7. We've been using the miracle blanket, but tonight we're trying out the sleep sack for the first time. So far, so good! You've become very easy to put to bed at night...your Daddy has a special walk that he does with you to help you wind down for the night. He calls it "the dinosaur" and it's pretty darn cute. Your Daddy is so taken with you! I don't think there's anything cuter than Dads with their baby girls. 
- You're spitting up a lot more, usually at least once after you eat. It worries me, especially when it comes out of your nose, but honestly it seems to bother me more than it does you. Reflux is for the birds.

- You're drooling up a storm lately! Between that and spitting up, burp rags are never far away these days.
- We're doing lots of tummy time! You're lunging forward, almost like you want to do a somersault. Once your arms are stronger, I think you'll be crawling in no time.

- Your current favorite things: your Sophie teether, your stuffed pig "Hammy", your gym, musical ladybug, "Charlie & Lola" on Disney Junior, and when someone blows raspberries on your tummy, legs, or feet! 
-  You came to visit Mommy's work after school on Tuesday and you were quite a hit! Everyone was so sweet and just made over you! Then you went to your first happy hour - Mom had a coke - ha! You were so good and I am always so proud to show you off to people. 

- In just over a week, school will be over and Mommy will be free to spend all her time with you again! I can't wait to do so many fun things together. I'm proud of us for doing so well since I went back to work. It's not easy to be apart, but we've made it work. I couldn't have done it without Daddy and Pinky. I'm so glad you've gotten this special time with your Pinky! She takes such good care of you!
- You got to meet Mommy's grandmother, Mammawie, and Aunt Dian this month. You cozied right up to your great-grandmother and took a nice, long nap in her arms. It was very special to have all 4 generations together!
We love you, Beautybear, and we're so proud that you are ours! I feel so blessed and privileged that I get to be your Mama and watch you grow up. Your sweet little snores when you sleep are my favorite sound ever. You are my little angel. 
I love you,

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