Wednesday, September 5, 2012

19 Weeks

Total Weight Loss/Gain: According to my scale at home, I'm up 6 pounds total. Yikes...3 pounds since last week. Guess baby's growing!

Size of Baby: According to The Bump, our baby is about the size of a mango!

Maternity Clothes: Yes! I adore them and want to go buy more.

Sleep: It's been okay. I've been very congested over the last week and a half, which has led to some trouble sleeping. Last night was better though!

Movement: Not yet! I really want to feel something.

Cravings/Aversions: I heart sweets! I also really want fried pickles from Pluckers!

What I Miss: White wine, margaritas, orange juice and other acidic things that aggravate the good old acid reflux.

Gender: 9 more days! I'm so excited! My in-laws are coming into town for that weekend, and my mom, sister, and mother-in-law will be at the ultrasound with me and Cam. So much fun!

Mood: Pretty good. 

Milestones: Getting a car that is child friendly! I love my Escape - it is beautiful and comfortable. One car down, one to go!

Medical Concerns: All seems well. I did have the high blood pressure episode last Friday, but haven't dealt with the same thing since then. I think it was a combination of being really tired and sick.

Anything Else You'd Like to Share: I really want to feel a flutter of movement! I know it happens at a different time for everyone, but it's possible that I could feel something now. I'm not sure I've really sat still long enough lately to feel it though. It sounds paranoid, but I just want the reassurance that baby's doing fine in there! I guess the massive amount of heartburn could serve as that reassurance that baby is doing exactly what he/she's supposed to.

What I Look Forward To: September 14th - I am so ready to know what this little mango is!


  1. As far as movement, you might have an anterior placenta! I had one with Dylan, it took a while to feel him move. I couldn't really ever feel his kicks and punches that well, just when he would turn over and stuff! So don't worry! Can't wait to find out what y'all are having!!

  2. I can't wait for September 14th! We find out what this sweet baby is and then.......we go shopping!!!
