Wednesday, September 26, 2012

22 Weeks

Total Weight Loss/Gain: Still up 9 pounds

Size of Baby: Claire is the size of a papaya! Maybe I should eat one in her honor!

Maternity Clothes: Most definitely!

Sleep: I'm not getting enough of it, but I'm sleeping well when I do. I'm trying to be more concious of laying on the recommended left side while I'm sleeping, but sometimes I end up on the right.

Movement: I think I finally felt something yesterday! I was sitting at my desk at work and I felt a couple of thumps in my lower abdomen. I focused closely but didn't feel another one, although I did start feeling them again at the grocery store and at home that night. If this is movement, Claire is one active little girl at night! It is the coolest feeling ever! The movement is very low in my abdomen, so since my placenta is covering the top front of my belly, maybe there's a little opening at the bottom where movement can get through. Amazing!

Cravings/Aversions: Grapes and pumpkin pie. Not together silly!

What I Miss: Nothing at the moment.

Gender: It's a girl - Claire Campbell Todd

Mood: Stressed! Everything's crazy right now and I'm feeling it. I feel like we have this big looming January 30th deadline and have so much to complete before then. Not just fun baby stuff - but things around the house we still need to do as new homeowners. Add my crazy job to the mix and you have one overwhelmed woman on your hands! I'll admit there have been several stress-induded tears in the last few days!

Symptoms: I forgot to take my beloved Zantac a couple times this week and OMG, the heartburn. Some of it still seeps through even with the medicine, but it definitely helps a lot. I'm also discovering that a big meal at dinner makes me feel so full and uncomfortable that I pretty much have to go straight to bed!

Milestones: We've picked a paint color - it's a really pretty mocha color. The free weekends between now and the end of the year are few and far between, so Cam, my Dad, and Corey are going to paint the nursery on Sunday. I'm looking for bedding and have ordered several fabric samples to check out. I've found one bedding set I really like online, just need to see the samples. More to come!

Anything Else You'd Like to Share: We signed up for a childbirth/infant care class and a breastfeeding class in November. They had a breastfeeding class available on the night of December 19th, our third anniversary, but I decided to spare Cam that horror and signed us up for the November one instead.

What I Look Forward To: Holding my baby girl - I can't wait!


  1. Active at night? Can't imagine where she gets that :). I'd be happy to fulfill the pumpkin pie craving. It's a fall delight, not just a Thanksgiving one. Can't wait to see my new beautiful granddaughter. We are so blessed. Love, Pinky

  2. So glad you can feel little Claire kicking and punching! It's such an awesome feeling. Sounds like lots of exciting things are going on. It's going to be so much fun.....and the time is going to fly! We're here to help if you need us!
