Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sweet Baby Claire

Little Claire totally stole our hearts the minute she was born. She's almost two weeks old and is just the sweetest little thing ever! Here are just a few of the many things about her that we love:

- Her nostrils are shaped like hearts. I'm not kidding!
- She makes the sweetest noises I've ever heard. Between the beautiful sighs she makes when she exhales in her sleep to the cooing she does, she sounds like a little doll!
- The way that her hair spikes up, and the fact that it definitely has a reddish tint to it! Her hair's coming in more day by day!

- The way she cuddles into my and Cam's chests and sleeps best there, always! 
- Her growls! Her nickname is Dino, because she makes so many funny noises. 
- She loves to stretch out and always fights to have her arms out of the swaddle. 
- Her startle reflex...it's just so cute...though I do hate to disturb her.
- Her appetite is insatiable! We are in another cycle of cluster feeding and she wants to eat a lot. It can be exhausting and a big responsibility, but I try to remind myself that these days are fleeting and that one day I will long for the nights when she wakes me up in the middle of the night to eat and be close to me. 

Claire Campbell is truly the light of our lives. She is a blessing from God and brightens every day. It's been five weeks since I broke my ankle. There are moments when the claustrophobia of not being able to get up and walk is very overwhelming. I haven't left my house since New Years Eve except to go to doctors offices and the hospital. I don't say that so that you pity me, but rather to give perspective on just how weird my existence has been since 2013 started. But despite that, when I hold my little Claire and she looks up at me with her sweet eyes, I'm reminded again and again that I truly have everything I need.