Thursday, April 9, 2015

James - 5 Months

James, you are five months old! Time is really flying now and you're growing up before our very eyes!

You weigh about 21.5 lbs. You're a really big boy! Some of your 3-6 month clothes still fit, but you're moving into 9 month size now. You wear size 3 diapers.
Here's what else is going on with you these days: 

- You're really into jumping up and down. You like the exersaucer and "dropping it like it's hot" when we stand you up in our laps! It's so cute!
- You can roll both ways now and you're pretty close to sitting up. You're definitely in a period of rapid development.

- You're still teething but there's no teeth yet. Unfortunately you're in a lot of pain and pretty fussy. You chew on everything you can get your hands on. We're all praying you can get some relief soon!
- You're a charmer and you love being with people and interacting! You have such a sweet disposition and you love to smile. It's the best! The flipside of being so social is that you don't being alone. This makes for some tricky days for me at home with you and your sister. You love being held and don't like being put down. 
- You are a little clone of your daddy...just like I hoped for. When you smile, you have the exact same crinkle half-moon eyes! What a blessing you are to us! For this month's pictures you're wearing one of Daddy's outfits from when he was a baby. You're absolutely precious! I need to get a baby picture of him wearing it so I can do a side-by-side comparison!

- We spent your first Easter in Sugar Land with family! It was a great weekend. It was so fun to dress you up in your sweet little outfit and go through your goodies from the Easter bunny! 
- You startle very easily. You got that from me, poor baby. Prepare for a lifetime of jumping out of your skin when someone comes up behind you, little buddy. Sorry 'bout that!
- We've started you on rice cereal and you seem to like it pretty well. We're just so glad we can finally feed you something! We'll move on to oatmeal, fruit, and veggies next month. Anything to keep those chunky thighs going...they are epic!!! You get those from your mama, too! ;)
Current nicknames: Jamesie, Gigi and Poppy call you Jaybird, Pinky calls you Drum (as in drumstick), Gracie calls you "little handsome baby!"
Favorite toys: You're a fan of the exersaucer! You also love this old giraffe teether my parents's vintage! It came from my grandparents house and all of us grandkids used it...we think it's the original Sophie!
James, you are the perfect little dude and we couldn't love you more! Here's to another fun month!
