Thursday, February 2, 2012

I'm back...

Hello again! I got behind with blogging after the holidays and then everything has been crazy for the past month and I just didn't know where to even start.

Here's what we've been up to lately:

- We had a great Christmas. We got to spend two weeks together and see all the people we love the most!

-Two friends and I held a baby shower for my sister recently. Everything went really well and I'm so happy my sister got to enjoy herself! The last month has been a rollercoaster for their growing family. Tons of back and forth about a possible issue with amniotic fluid that might lead to an early delivery for my niece. Everything is still a bit up in the air, but is being monitored very closely. There was talk of even delivering as early as 34 weeks (that's this week!) but now it looks like she may go to full-term. Who really knows? As the doc says, "the baby rules". And to make things even worse, my brother-in-law got laid off in the middle of all this, but he just accepted a position with a great company. He is such a hard worker and his new company is lucky to have him! We have all been saying our prayers for them and I'm so glad things are starting to settle down a bit.

-I lost nearly 10 pounds in January, but have probably gained the majority of it back in the last two weeks. I'm a little frightened to get back on the scale...eeek!

-In not so fun news, we've been trying to get things sorted out after our apartment was flooded in early January. The apartment complex is liable as they were doing work in the apartment above us that caused the flood. They've been taking their sweet time in reimbursing us for the several hundred dollars in property that we lost, but it's looking like everything's going to work out. It could have been much worse, but is there ever a flood that doesn't feel major to you when it disrupts your home life and your finances? January was quite a rough month for me and my people.

And now for the big news....

-WE FOUND A HOUSE AND WE ARE BUYING IT, Y'ALL! We put an offer on a house we really love a week ago and after several days of negotiating, we agreed on a price and signed all the paperwork this weekend! We are so excited! And nervous, if I'm being honest, although those nerves are subsiding a bit as we check things off the list. The house is beautiful and in a fantastic neighborhood! We looked at this house three times over the course of our house hunting. It's actually the first one we ever looked at, which reminds me of a wedding dress (so many women end up picking the first dress they tried on). We knew we needed to look at other houses to really know what was out there, and over time, it just became clear. We originally planned to close at the end of March (our lease is up mid-April), but in the end, the seller needed to close sooner to make the deal we are off to the races! I just can't wait to have something that's truly ours! Plus having two sinks won't be too shabby either! I'm praying the inspection goes well on Thursday so we can be one step closer!

Have a great week!


  1. I'm talkin about that WOO WOOOOOO!

  2. I love this house and can't wait to see you make it your home!!

  3. We are SO happy for y'all! Can't wait for you and Cam to be in your beautiful home!
