Saturday, November 23, 2013

Claire - 10 Months

Claire, you are 10 months old! You are going through such a cute phase right now! Your fun-loving personality reveals itself more and more each day and you bring such joy to me and your Daddy. 
You were 22 lbs when I took you to the doctor a few weeks ago when you were sick. You're wearing some 6-12 month and some 12-18 month clothes. We've moved up to size 4 diapers. 
Here's what else you're up to these days:
- You love to dance! If you're standing at your little activity table and it plays a song, you dance. If you're standing in front of the TV and the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Hot Dog song comes on, you dance. If I'm trying to get you to wind down for a nap and you're not having it, you dance. It's absolutely adorable! You crack us up on a daily basis!
- You're talking more and more. You say dog and duck now unprompted if you see one. I feel like you're in a period of rapid cognitive development. It's really neat watching you learn and understand more and more everyday. 
- You love to eat! No food is safe when you're around. Whenever you see us eating something, you will smack you lips and start cruising the ottoman to get over to us. It is hilarious! You're getting to try all kinds of table foods and you seem to like most everything. Like any good Texas girl, you love tortillas and queso! I'm looking forward to introducing you to the food extravaganza that is Thanksgiving later this week!
- You're still nursing! Mercifully, you've stopped biting. Thanks for that, kid. When you're hungry and getting ready to nurse, you say "nuh nuh nuh nuh" and sometimes you smack your lips for emphasis. 
- You have 8 teeth! The other day I thought your upper canine teeth might be getting ready to come through, but now I'm not sure. If they are, it is very early for that. I'm thinking not, because you've been very happy the last week or so. It's nice to have a little break from teething. 
- A couple weeks ago you had two of the worst nights of sleep we've ever experienced back-to-back. Since then, I think you may have turned a corner in the right direction. I'm afraid to say too much for fear of jinxing the whole thing. You're not really sleeping through the night or anything, but you've become more snuggly and willing to sleep lately. We could definitely get used to this, so keep it up, baby girl! 
- You wave to people a lot. You've also started doing this really funny gesture where you hold your arm out to someone, bend your wrist, and offer your hand like you want them to kiss it. I have no idea where this came from, but it's pretty much the funniest thing I've ever seen.
- You had a virus earlier this month. Fever, lots of dirty diapers, and a rash. I'm glad you're feeling better now! 
- YOU ARE SUCH A WIGGLE WORM! I have never seen anything like it. Every diaper/clothing change is a wrestling match. If I buckle you onto your changing pad, you can flip over and crawl out of the belt. Holding you is a serious arm workout because you are so active. It's crazy! Some days I get to the end of the day and feel like I have been wrestling all day long! We think you're going to be an athlete, quite possibly a gymnast.
- You took a first step on Friday night! You were playing/pulling Daddy's hair and then you just let go and took a step over to your activity table. I'm very sad because I missed it I was in the kitchen. :(  We don't think you even realized you did it and haven't been able to get you to do it again, but I bet you'll be walking more soon.
Current nicknames: Clairebear, C-Bear, Tootie, Tootie-bird, Clarabelle
Favorite toys: your activity table, pumpkin pillow, picnic basket, Goldilocks & the Three Bears set, bouncy balls. You adore your stuffed pig Hammy and sleep with him every night. You also love ripping up catalogs and taking all the DVDs out of the cabinet - oy!
Claire Campbell, you are our beautiful, strong girl. I'm very proud of you! This first Thanksgiving with you is so special - I am so very thankful for you and your Daddy. You two are my world. I can't wait to celebrate your first Christmas next month! 

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