Saturday, March 23, 2013

Claire - 2 Months

Claire, you are 2 months old today!! You're growing so fast! Sometimes I can't believe it's already been 2 months and other times it feels like you've always been here.

Height: 23 inches - 78th percentile

Weight: 13 pounds - 88th percentile

Head Circumference: 16.5 inches - 99th percentile (off the charts big)

Your height and weight percentiles have both gone up since your 2 week visit! The doctor says you're "beautifully proportional." You're in 0-3 month and some 3-6 month clothes. You wear size 1 diapers.

Here's what you're up to these days:

- You're interacting more and more. You're smiling a lot and squealing joyfully. You clearly recognize me and Daddy, and when you smile at us, we feel like our hearts just might explode!

- If we lay you down, you like to roll onto your side. You favor your left side, and almost always roll that way.

- You love your jungle gym playmat - you get your arms and legs going and are so happy in there! You make some of your loudest noises there. But after about 15 minutes, you're done with the gym and want out (kind of like your mommy in any sort of gym setting, ha!).

- You're usually eat every 2 hours. You love to eat! Your cheeks and thighs have gotten super chunky, and it makes me so happy!

- Generally, you take a really long nap in the morning, often in your beloved swing! After that, you nap on and off but there's no clear pattern to it for the rest of the day.

- You're a good sleeper. Most nights we're up once around 3 or 4 to eat and then again at 6 or 7. I try to get us both back to sleep after that so we can rest a little longer before starting the day. Thursday night you gave us a glorious 7 hour stretch! You'd had shots earlier in the week and happened to be in your swing (normally you sleep in the rock 'n play sleeper), so it may have been a fluke, but it's a step in the right direction!

- A few of your favorite things: your swing, paci, rock 'n play sleeper (seriously the most amazing thing ever), staring at mommy and daddy's headboard (you finds it so fascinating and can't take your eyes off it), bathtime, and sleeping in people's arms. You took some epic naps in your Poppy's arms last weekend when we were in Sugar Land!

- You have a bit of reflux, but luckily it's not too severe. Not sure if there's any connection, but I can't say I'm surprised after the reflux I had during my pregnancy.

- You have the sweetest relationship with your cousin Grace. You've spent a lot of your days together. Grace constantly waves at you and when you sit next to each other in the car, she always tries to pass her books and socks to you. It's pretty adorable! You also got to meet your cousin Logan last weekend! He was so sweet to you. You have a new cousin, Abigail, that was born just this week! We're so excited to meet her, and it's going to be so fun to watch you two girls grow up together!

- In the last month, you've had several important firsts. You took your first trip to Sugar Land and got to meet all of Daddy's family. It was so fun to see you meet 3 of your great grandparents and you loved spending the weekend with your Gigi and Poppy. We've been out to eat with you twice. You spent your first of many Sunday afternoons hanging out on the back porch at Pinky and Papaw's house. It's so fun getting to experience everything with you.

                                                 1 month
   2 months

Claire - you are the best thing that ever happened to me and your Daddy. You bring more joy into our lives than we knew was possible! Sometimes I just hold you and wonder what in the world I did to deserve the wonderful blessing of getting to be your mommy. I'm so happy that you're mine.


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