Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Claire - 3 Months

Better late than never, right? Believe it or not, I actually wrote this post back when she turned 3 months old, but I went back to work last week and things have been busy, to say the least...

Claire, you are 3 months old! It has been such a fun month with you. You're doing new things everyday and it's just so neat getting to see your personality!

Since you don't see the pediatrician again until 4 months, I don't have all of your stats. We've tried to figure out your weight, but both our scale and the one at my parent's house weren't working right when we tried. I think you're somewhere between 15 and 17 lbs. Such a big girl! You're wearing mostly 3-6 month clothes and size 2 diapers.

Here's what you're doing lately:

- You're pretty close to rolling over. If we lay your down on your playmat or the bed, you'll roll onto one side, but your little arms keep getting in the way. I think you'll be there soon!

- You are very strong and almost always in constant motion. You get going so fast that Cam says you look like a motor with all its pistons going at once with each limb going in a different direction! When we sit you in our lap, you try to lean forward to sit on your own and you have very good control of your neck.

- You are cooing, squealing, and giving us lots of big gurgly smiles! You are very smiley and it's just absolutely precious.

- You are fascinated by television...you're a chip off the old block in that regard. You love the music and colors on Disney Junior, especially Jake & the Neverland Pirates.

- You are pretty content in the car or your stroller as long as we are in motion. Usually these things put you to sleep. If you're awake in the car you do not like stoplights and you make sure we know it!

- You like to be held...and we like to hold you! 

- You nurse every 2-3 hours during the day. You're a good eater!

- You usually sleep a 5-6 hour stretch at night, sometimes a little less or more. Last night you slept about 7 hours straight - it was very nice! I feel like your sleep has been a little disrupted lately because you've gone through the notorious 3 month growth spurt and we've tried a few times to transition you to sleeping in the pack n play from the rock n play (figure it will help us transition you to the crib more easily when we're ready to do that). I figure you'll sleep longer stretches when you're ready and I'm perfectly fine with that.

- It's hard to discern a clear pattern to your naps...sometimes you nap a lot and sometimes you don't. Your pediatrician says not to work on putting you on a schedule until you're 4 months old, so we're just taking it as it comes right now!

- You are very responsive to me and your Daddy, and you constantly follow us with your sweet blue eyes. You're pretty darn taken with all of your grandparents too...when we Facetime with Gigi & Poppy, you get so close to the screen that it's like you're trying to touch them! When we show you videos of family, you get very animated and excited!

Claire, the last 3 months have been the happiest of my life! I can't imagine my life without you and I'm so glad I don't have to. I'm so happy and proud to be your mommy! When you smile at me, my heart feels so full it might burst. We love you, baby girl!


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