Thursday, October 4, 2012

23 Weeks

Total Weight Loss/Gain: Up 12 pounds total.

Size of Baby: Claire is the size of a grapefruit!

Maternity Clothes: Yes. How will I ever wear pants with buttons and zippers again?

Sleep: I'm sleeping really deeply right now.

Movement: Yes, I'm feeling it everyday now! It's an amazing feeling! Like her mother, Claire is not a morning person. She is more active as the day goes on!

Cravings/Aversions: My mom heard about my pumpkin pie craving last week and made one for me last weekend! Thanks Mom - it was delicious! I'm also craving french fries from McDonalds. I'm such a health nut - lol!

What I Miss: Eating without fear of heartburn.

Gender: It's a girl - Claire Campbell Todd!

Mood: Not trying to whine, just keeping it real: I'm exhausted and overwhelmed. The bags under my eyes have never been this dark, ever! Work is insanely busy - I'm either in meetings or tutoring every second I'm not teaching. Doesn't leave much time for planning lessons, grading, or this "cutting back" business everyone keeps mentioning. When, where, how? We've had something going on every single night this week so far and we'll be out of town the next two weekends. I need a nap. And a pedicure. 

Symptoms: My ankles are starting to swell. My heartburn is bad lately - twice this week I've had what can only be described as true reflux - acid literally coming back up. Oh, and I threw up a whole separate time the other night - totally out of the blue. I think my gag reflex just isn't what it used to be and it doesn't take much. I choked on some water in bed one night and all of the sudden, I threw up all over myself. Cam was right there and was pretty freaked out. It was lovely.

Milestones: The nursery is painted and it looks great! I'm really happy with the color. Can't wait to see the room with furniture in it! We've also combined our office and guest room into one room and it's looking nice!

Anything Else You'd Like to Share: Cam sold his truck and got a new (to him) truck this week that is carseat/baby friendly! It is really nice and he loves it, which makes me so happy! Now, we've both sold our old cars and gotten family-friendly ones! Feels really great to have that done!

What I Look Forward To: Meeting our Claire. I just can hardly imagine that moment! It will be wonderful!

P.S. I promise I'll post a bump picture soon! I keep thinking about it and then forget to do it before I change into my pajamas at night. Cam & I aren't picture takers at all, but I have a feeling that will change when Claire arrives!

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