Thursday, December 27, 2012

35 Weeks

Total Weight Gain: 28 lbs at home, 31 lbs at the doctor. Whatever - I don't really care at this point. 

Size of Baby: Claire is about the size of a coconut!

Maternity Clothes: Yes! One of the gifts my parents usually give me for Christmas is clothes, but since it's too late to buy more maternity clothes, they gave me several sets of new pajamas and a robe instead. Nice, comfy things that will be great to have in the hospital and after when I'm home with a new baby. And since they're regular pjs, they'll work before and after she arrives!

Sleep: Okay. I've been sick this week, so sleep has been hit or miss. I've taken a ton of good naps though!

Movement: She is so big and constantly on the move right now. It's crazy to think that there's pretty much a fully developed baby moving around inside!

Cravings: Pie, my mom's dressing, sandwiches.

What I Miss: Not being such a klutz - I literally drop everything I pick up! Especially in the shower - ugh!

Gender: It's a girl - Claire Campbell Todd!

Mood: Pretty good. It's been so nice being off this week and getting to spend Christmas with family! But being sick has been a bummer, plus I've been a little nervous all week leading up to today's appointment.

Symptoms: Carpal tunnel in my hands, being very tired, some contractions last night. Being congested while pregnant is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy! I lost count after going through FOUR boxes of kleenex!

Milestones: The baby has dropped! My doctor told me that today - somehow I didn't realize it, but now I can tell. I think it may have happened in the last day or so. We're getting really close on the nursery! We're waiting on our chair to come in and Cam will be painting the mural in the next few days. I need to finish washing everything and we have a little chandelier to install - then we should be close to set! Claire got several really sweet Christmas gifts - she is a very loved little girl! My sister and her family gave us this - so sweet it makes me cry!

Anything Else You'd Like to Share: My appointment today went really well! My blood pressure was normal, swelling was good, and no protein in my urine. Looks like a week of rest and being away from the stress of work did me a lot of good! So I don't have to go on bedrest and can basically do what I want. My doctor said we'll just see what happens when I go back to work. Had my first check this week - not dilated at all, but baby has dropped and is head down!

What I'm Looking Forward to: Cam's family coming down for a few days to celebrate a late Christmas - so fun!

And a bump picture from today...

1 comment:

  1. You look so cute!! Can't wait to see y'all tomorrow :)

    So glad all is well!!

    PS. You're so silly with your comments on weight. You're doing great & look great! It's normal to gain between 25-35 pounds and I gained 40 with Logan. I'm only 28 weeks and already at 24. Do not stress over that :) If you were already at 60, then I'm sure that'd be something to worry about ;-)

    PPS. Comfy pajamas were an awesome gift! I got some from my class and I wore them A LOT after Logan arrived. Make sure you have some comfy nursing tanks too. I lived in those as well.

    Yay, so excited to see y'all tomorrow :)
