Friday, December 21, 2012


I went back for my 34 week appointment today. It went well overall. No protein in my urine, I'd lost a pound, and my swelling was so much better than it was on Wednesday. It was a million times better than it was last night, as a matter of fact. My feet are actually sore from having to wear shoes yesterday to work - none of my shoes fit anymore! My blood pressure was high initially - 130ish/90. When Dr. Orth saw that she mentioned something about bedrest, but when she checked it on the other arm, it was 122/80 - normal. She said I can go ahead and do what I want this week, but I should definitely take it easy and not travel. She's having me come back next Thursday. If the blood pressure is high next week, she said she'll put me on bedrest and induce labor at 37 weeks...eeek! I'm hopeful that by then, with a week of being off work and able to relax, my blood pressure will come down on its own. It will either do that or if it doesn't, then we will know it's preeclampsia. This really makes me confident in my doctor's advice not to travel - the idea that I could be having Claire in 3 weeks instead of 6 makes it crystal clear, as I wouln't dream of traveling at 37 weeks if I was delivering at it's basically the same difference. I'm overwhelmed at the idea of possibly being put on bedrest for the duration in less than a week - there's so much left to do. But I know it will all be fine, things will get done, and all that matters is Claire being alright. I love this baby girl so much and know that she will arrive exactly when God wants her to.

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