Saturday, August 11, 2012

My, how some things change...

I'm only a little over one-third of the way through my pregnancy, but I already feel very different than I did before. And not just in the standard "I don't feel very good physically" way.  In the spirit of keeping a record of everything, I'm going to jot down some of these changes here. These may be pretty boring to anyone else, but this blog is a little life journal for me!

  • Candy - I no longer have the same feelings about candy. Anyone who knows me will be shocked! Maybe this is a temporary pregnancy thing? Maybe I'm finally growing up and out of my child-like obsession with candy? I don't know, but I used to consume a lot of candy and now I can eat a few pieces and feel totally over it. 
  • Mess - I'm becoming a messy person. I'm used to being an organized neat freak. But now I'm more apt to let things sit. Laundry goes unwashed, papers stack up on the counter, and there are usually three different cups on my bedside table at any given time. I still care and it still bothers me, but not enough to do much about it. It's weird. Last week my water bottle cap wasn't on completely and some water spilled in my purse. Now, old me would have freaked out, removed everything and made sure it dried out completely. But I hardly did anything. It's just water, it will dry.
  • Weight - I am not obsessed with my weight right now. This is huge for me. I have spent/wasted so much time over the last few years worrying about my weight, comparing myself to everyone around me, etc. I can attribute this shift to several things. Right now, my body isn't about me - it's about my baby. I know how much weight is healthy for me to gain and I plan to stick to it. But after two and a half years of near non-existence, my metabolism finally works again. It's nice and comforting to feel that. And I just don't eat as much now that I'm pregnant. And throwing up for months will you feel very silly for worrying about your double chin and cellulite. Maybe my old insecurities will return, maybe they won't. But for now, I'll take it!
  • Opinionated - I feel very strongly about certain things. I've always been opinionated, but also pretty selective in who I share them with. But right now when I feel something, I feel it very strongly. Like when I went off on the Rooms to Go customer service representative because they made us wait three weeks to have someone come inspect a pillow with a seam that ripped (completely on its own) rather than just send us a new one. Call me crazy, but when someone spends a small fortune on furniture with one store, a free replacement is in order. Or the people who brought a three month old baby into a midnight showing of Batman. Don't even get me started on them! Basically, my sense of right and wrong is heightened.
  • Mommy - Even though I haven't had my little one yet, I already feel a connection to other mothers and at times, a slight disconnect from people who don't have kids. I don't mean this to sound bad, but it just is what it is (I hate that saying!). Recently I heard some people talking about how someone we all know had changed since she had her baby. It was put in critical terms - saying she didn't take her job as seriously now. And this person isn't even officially back to work yet. I kept my mouth shut but it made my blood boil. Having a child is a life-changing experience. No one is ever the same afterwards. I hear people talk about the love they have for their children and how it is unlike anything they've experienced ever. I already feel that love, but I know it will be on a whole other level when I actually meet my baby. I am so excited about it! And so that discussion made me think some things. Of course, this woman shouldn't take her job as seriously now. Babies have a way of putting everything in perspective, including the over-obsession and worry most of us have with our jobs. 
  • Handwriting - My handwriting has changed! Isn't that weird? It's similar to before, but much less pretty. It's sharper somehow and I just can't make certain movements flow with my fingers. I don't know what that's about at all. 
  • One more thing! This isn't really a change, but I must make note of it. I already had acid reflux before I was pregnant. It's a genetic curse in my Dad's family. One time in college my sister lost her voice and her speech became slurred. The diagnosis was acid reflux. So yeah, we've got it really bad. My acid reflux during pregnancy is off the charts. I really, really miss Prilosec. It is a miracle drug and I will never take it for granted post-pregnancy again.

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