Friday, August 12, 2011

Cruising for a Bruising

This is what happens when you move your living room furniture to work out on your Wii Fit and things don't get put back exactly where they were before. I guess I'm so used to the exact placement of the tightly packed furniture in our living room that moving something even a couple of centimeters can lead to disaster. And just ask my husband, I can be a real drama queen about injuries. I even show him my bruise every day so he can see what color it has morphed into. Isn't he the luckiest guy ever? ;)

P.S. I saw The Help last night and it was wonderful. The movie was very faithful to the book and the acting was superb! Hilly Holbrook will make your blood boil and Aibileen will make you cry, whether you've read the book or not. It was one of those movies where everyone in the theater clapped at the end! Love love love it.

Y'all have a great weekend!

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