Thursday, November 1, 2012

27 Weeks

Total Weight Loss/Gain: Up 17 lbs.

Size of Baby: Claire is the size of a rutabaga! Is it bad I don't really know what half of these size comparison things are?!

Maternity Clothes: Yes please!

Sleep:'s inconsistent. I had several nights of INCREDIBLE sleep when it was cold for a few days. I sleep better when it's cold and Aurora the cat was sleeping through the night, which meant we all slept through the night (haha!). But then two nights ago, I had a rough night. Between two minor choking episodes, an overwhelming feeling of being really full, and a touch of insomnia, I had to sit up in bed propped up with some pillows to finally go to sleep. It was rough! I'm usually someone who can function pretty well on little sleep, but that is not the case when I'm pregnant!

Movement: Lots of it! Tonight she must have liked my dinner - it felt like she was turning flips!

Cravings/Aversions: I had a craving for Raising Cain's tonight so we had it for dinner - it did not disappoint! Otherwise, Cam's been doing lots of grilling for the past few weeks so that we eat lots of protein - it's been awesome!

Gender: It's a girl - Claire Campbell Todd!

Mood: I cannot lie - I've been a hot mess the past few days! I've left my classroom keys at work twice in the last week so I've been locked out of my classroom when I get to work in the morning. Wednesday morning, after my bad night of sleep, I had a full-on freakout because I thought I'd lost my wedding rings. I was crying my eyes out and Cam & I were tearing the house apart. I had to leave the house without finding my rings so I could get to work to tutor a kid who didn't even show up. On the way to work, I realized I'd left the rings soaking overnight in a jar of jewelry cleaner. See what I mean? A total mess. Working 50+ hours/week and being 6 months pregnant do not go well together and it has seriously caught up with me. My job feels out of control right now - I can't get my head above water. I feel like a terrible mother already before Claire's even here because I haven't been able to cut back at work. It's an awful, awful feeling and it's something I've been worrying and praying about a lot lately. Something has to change. 

Symptoms: Just the usual stuff, except my heartburn is a thing of the past - Prevacid is a miracle drug!!! Such a huge relief and something I will never take for granted!

Milestones: Tuesday of this week was October 30th - so we're less than 3 months from the due date! Crazy!

What I Look Forward To: Celebrating Halloween next year with my little girl! Seeing all the kids dressed up last night made me so excited for Halloween with Claire!

Halloween bump picture -

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