Wednesday, November 7, 2012

28 Weeks

Total Weight Gain: 19 lbs according to the doc's scale; 17 lbs on home scale

Size of Baby: Claire is the size of an eggplant!

Maternity Clothes: Yes, almost always! But tomorrow I'm going to attempt to wear a size 6 maxi dress from my honeymoon to my school's Student of the Month Ceremony. It's pretty forgiving, but wish me luck!

Sleep: It's okay. I wake up a lot. My doctor told me at my appointment today that I will need to start sleeping sitting up in bed or a recliner to stop the nighttime choking episodes. She also said it would help the problem if I stop eating 6 hours before I go to bed so that my GI tract is all clear. So...I guess I'll be eating dinner at work. Yeah, sure. 

Movement: Oh yes! Sometimes it feels like she's turning flips...and she probably is!

Cravings/Aversions: I crave breakfast foods in all their many glorious forms!

What I Miss: Not a thing. I wouldn't trade getting to have a baby for anything.

Gender: Baby girl - Claire Campbell!

Mood: Alright. I have a lot of anxiety about my job right now. Wish I could just toss all that mess to the side and treasure every second of my pregnancy. Sorry to sound like a broken record, but I'm just keeping it real.

Symptoms: Starting to feel pretty achy - I know that's totally normal at this stage. Lots of pain in my left ribs - my doctor says this is just the way my uterus is positioned and that when baby drops in about 8 weeks, it'll get a little better. And we've reached the stage of constantly needing to pee!! 

Milestones: We've officially reached the 3rd trimester! Crazy how fast the 2nd trimester flew by! I hear the 3rd trimester drags, which honestly is fine by me. I need a second to catch my breath and get things ready before our sweet girl arrives!

Anything Else You'd Like to Share: Cam's brother and his wife are expecting a baby in March and we found out today they're having a girl too! Exciting! Everything's coming up pink!

I had a doctor's appointment today too! It was a busy one - I had my glucose test, saw my doc, and had my next Rhogam shot. I've heard so much hype about how terrible this sugary drink is - I guess it affects everyone differently. I really didn't see what the big deal was. It just tasted like really sugary Gatorade that burned a bit going down. The shot I got was much more unpleasant than the drink. Dr. Orth was really pleased with how everything's going and Baby Claire measured exactly on target this time!

What I Look Forward To: Hopefully finding out that I passed my glucose test! Also looking forward to our childbirth & infant care class this weekend! And my first baby shower the weekend after that - we are so blessed by the people in our lives! 

Election Day Bump Picture - Claire was a good citizen and voted with Mommy and Daddy last night! It's hard to tell, but I'm pointing to my "I Voted" sticker!

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