Wednesday, November 21, 2012

30 Weeks and 30 Years

Total Weight Gain: Up about 20 lbs.

Size of Baby: Claire is the size of a large cabbage. Dr. Orth says she's probably about 3 lbs right now. I know that's tiny, but it's just unbelievable to me that I'm carrying around a 3 lb baby!

Maternity Clothes: Yep. Occasionally a regular dress, paired with leggings. 

Sleep: Pretty good. Only one choking episode this week and it was very minor, so maybe my new sleep positions are working.

Movement: Yep, lots of it off and on. She moves so much sometimes that when she has a day where she doesn't move as much, I find myself worrying about if she's okay. But then she'll move again and it's very reassuring. 

Cravings/Aversions: I'm craving my Mom's cornbread dressing, which I get to eat tomorrow on Thanksgiving! I'm so excited! Her dressing would change your life - it is one of the most delicious things on Earth! 

What I Miss: I read somewhere that the baby's nutritional needs are at their greatest right now, which makes sense because I have been incredibly hungry for the past couple of weeks. This is in stark contrast to the first 3 months of pregnancy, when I felt like I had to force-feed myself sometimes. Anyway, it's ironic because I've never been hungrier, but eating makes me miserable! If I eat a meal after 5 pm, I will be so full I can barely move. It feels like I've swallowed a watermelon and I can't breathe, but I do it anyway because I'm so hungry! And then I feel that way until the next morning. So I guess I miss eating a meal and feeling normal afterwards. 

Gender: It's a girl - Claire Campbell Todd. One of my birthday presents from my parents was this really neat journal where I can track feedings and diaper changes in those first few crazy weeks after Claire's born. The journal is customized with her full name on the cover. Something about seeing her name in print made me fall completely in love with it all over again!

Mood: Good. It's been a fun week and the next one is going to be great too!

Symptoms: Back pain, being uncomfortable, and nasal congestion! At home, I literally go through an entire box of kleenex on a weekly basis. 

Milestones: I had a wonderful baby shower in Houston this weekend! It was a beautiful party with lots of very sweet people! Everyone was so generous and gave us such nice things for Claire. We are very blessed. Once I get the pictures together, I'll do a post about it soon.

Also, it's pretty crazy to me that I turned 30 years old the same week as I reached 30 weeks of pregnancy. My sister reminded me that the same thing happened to her with her 27th birthday last year when she was pregnant. Interesting!

Anything Else You'd Like to Share: I had my 30 week appointment yesterday. I'm now at the point where I'll go every 2 weeks. Everything looks good! Claire measured a week ahead! Dr. Orth tries to find a reason to have an ultrasound late in the pregnancy that insurance will cover, so since Claire measured a week ahead, we're going to have an ultrasound in two weeks when I go back. I'm excited - they are going to measure her and see what percentile's she's in. I'm a little nervous too - I hope she's not really big or really small! I think we'll have a much clearer picture of when our little lady might make her entrance into the world! 

My doctor keeps telling me she can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going, and I totally agree! She said that after only 4 more weeks, if I went into labor they wouldn't do anything to stop it....eeeek! I need more time! I should clarify that she was just talking in general terms - she doesn't have any reason to think Claire's coming that early.

What I Look Forward to: Thanksgiving with my family - it's nice to get to be home and just be together! On Friday, Cam and I will head to Fredericksburg for the weekend for a little babymoon/birthday trip! I can't wait! 

No bump picture this week - Cam's at work and I'm in my pajamas on the couch. No pictures please! ;)

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