Friday, November 30, 2012

31 Weeks

Total Weight Gain: Up about 21 lbs.

Size of Baby: Claire is about the size of a pineapple! That is so big!

Maternity Clothes: Love them!

Sleep: Good. I wake up pretty early on my own now. I only had one choking incident last week, and OF COURSE, it happened when we were away on our little babymoon trip! There's nothing quite as romantic as your husband seeing you puke.

Movement: Yes, especially at night. When I lay down in bed on my side, she starts moving a ton! It's amazing!

Cravings/Aversions: I'm just very hungry right now!

What I Miss: I guess I miss not worrying so much about eating certain foods. A couple times lately I've hesitated/held off from eating a particular type of cheese because I'm not sure if it's one of the safe ones for pregnancy. 

Gender: Our little lady - Claire Campbell Todd! I am so excited to be having a girl! We're going to have so much fun! Cam and I were talking this weekend about how eventually we'll be dealing with things like our little girl dating and getting her heart broken. I'm not ready for that at all, and Cam is definitely not ready for that! I just want her to stay my little girl forever. 

Mood: Very relaxed until Monday hit and then it was back to busy reality!! I am still waiting for the part of pregnancy where I get to rest and put my feet up when I come home at night. Being in the 3rd trimester during the busy holiday season is no joke, y'all!

Symptoms: Lots of little random aches and pains, including my tailbone (ouch!). I get really tired around 2 pm everyday. I think I'm having some Braxton Hicks but I'm not sure. Lots of swelling - I went and bought a new pair of shoes yesterday for my baby shower because almost none of my shoes fit me anymore.

Milestones: She's due two months from today!

Anything Else You'd Like to Share: We had a wonderful trip to Fredericksburg! It was great to have some time to get away.

What I'm Looking Forward to: My Austin baby shower this weekend! I can't wait!

I'm pictureless again this week! :(

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