Thursday, November 15, 2012

29 Weeks

Total Weight Gain: Up 18 lbs.

Size of Baby: Claire is the size of a butternut squash.

Maternity Clothes: Yes!

Sleep: Okay. I now go to sleep most nights propped up against the wall in bed to avoid the choking episodes I've been having. It's not ideal but I'll do pretty much anything to avoid choking/throwing up every week.

Movement: Yes - it has really increased over the last week! She is constantly moving around in there and I love it! It's fun seeing my stomach move too.

Cravings/Aversions: I'm craving sweet stuff because it's been basically off limits this week with all the testing I've been doing.

What I Miss: Going to sleep lying down.

Gender: Baby girl - Claire Campbell!

Mood: Okay. It's been another tough week. I'm looking forward to the fun stuff ahead though!

Symptoms: I've started swelling up really bad and it's not just in my ankles anymore. My hands feel like balloons and I've officially had to make the switch to a fake wedding ring. :( My feet are so swollen that my shoes barely fit.

Milestones: We took our childcare/infant care class on Saturday and a breastfeeding class last night. Both were really helpful and informative, and I feel like I have a better idea now of what could happen during labor. Everyone's labor and delivery experiences are so different, and it's exciting/scary to think about what mine could be like!

Anything Else You'd Like to Share: Unfotunately I flunked my 1 hour glucose test and had to go for the 3 hour full test on Monday morning. Thankfully I passed the second test, so I do not have gestational diabetes! A couple of my numbers were borderline, so they just said I need to watch my carbs.

What I Look Forward to: My first baby shower in Houston this weekend! It's being hosted by several of my mother-in-law's sweet friends and I can't wait!

Also looking forward to turning 30 next week-crazy! I like that whenever I look back on turning 30, I'll always remember that I was expecting my sweet girl then.

And this week's bump picture. Can you spy someone else in the picture? :)


  1. You look beautiful, Meredith! Teddy thinks so too!

  2. Hurray for passing your glucose test! I failed both of mine, the 3 hr one was brutal. Gestational diabeties was less than fun.
