Wednesday, September 19, 2012

21 Weeks

Total Weight Loss/Gain: I'm up 9 pounds total.

Size of Baby: Baby's the the size of a pomegranate and the length of a carrot. No wonder it's getting harder to bend over!

Maternity Clothes: I wear them pretty much all the time, with the exception of t-shirts, pajamas, and clothes for lounging around the house. 

Sleep: Sleeping pretty deeply these days!

Movement: Nope. I found out at the anatomy scan on Friday that my placenta is anterior, so it will be a few more weeks before I feel anything. I'm actually a little relieved! I teach middle school. Middle schoolers don't know how to walk down a hallway in any kind of sane fashion, so walking down the hall inbetween classes is like walking through a war zone. I worry about Claire getting elbowed, etc. At least now I know my placenta is providing some padding between baby and the outside world! I think I am feeling some sensations/pains associated with baby moving. This morning at 4 am I could feel these sensations around where the baby/placentra are. So while I can't feel her movements directly, I can feel when her movement affects other parts of my body.

Cravings/Aversions: Sweets! I have an embarrassing amount of candy in my house right now. I made cupcakes this weekend and colored the icing pink once we found out we were having a girl!

What I Miss: Being able to be on my feet without them hurting so much. Between work and all the other life stuff that needs to be done - I am usually out of the house about 11 hours/day. My doctor told me last week that I am going to have to start doing some things different since I am 20 weeks pregnant, but it's hard to cut back. There's just always too much to do!

Gender: Sweet little girl - Claire Campbell Todd!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course I felt attached to this baby from the start, but there is a different level of bonding now that we know the gender. Everyday Cam asks me, "How is Claire doing?" and I find myself at work stopping to think, "Is Claire okay? Am I pushing Claire too hard today?" We love her so much we can hardly stand it!

Mood: Very emotional! Ever since they pulled my baby girl up on the ultrasound on Friday, I have been a weepy, pregnant mess. But they are happy tears! I just feel extremely attached to Claire, Cam, and the rest of our family right now - stepping away from that and doing "regular" stuff right now just feels unnatural. I just want to stay home and take care of them!

Symptoms: I think the baby is sitting on my bladder because when I go to the restroom first thing after I wake up, it feels like my bladder is numb. It's a weird feeling!

Milestones: Finding out she is healthy was a huge milestone and such a relief! And finding out she is a little lady, of course!

Anything Else You'd Like to Share: I feel so blessed to get to bring this little girl into the world.  I can't wait to find out what our sweet little Claire Campbell will be like!

What I Look Forward To: Getting to work on the nursery - I plan to look at paint this weekend and soon Cam will start moving the furniture out of the nursery. 

1 comment:

  1. I had an anterior placenta with Dylan too. And a partial with graham! I love her name and I know y'all are so excited to meet her!
