Sunday, July 17, 2011

Farewell FNL

Friday night was the last episode of one of my favorite shows ever, Friday Night Lights. I was curious about how they would wrap everything up, and I have to say the writers did an excellent job of creating a really satisfying ending. It truly captured the mood of the best parts of the show. I am so sad to see it go! When we watched the first season, Cam would tease me because I'd end up sobbing at least once during every episode. It's just that touching, realistic, and raw. In some of the later seasons, the show got a little off course in my opinion, but even then it was better than 99% of everything else on TV. The finale really took me back to what the show was in the first couple seasons, and I loved it.

FNL has something for everyone. It really captures what life is like in Texas, what it's like to work with kids in the education field, what it's like to be a sports fan, and what real relationships are like. Plus it was filmed in my dear ol' hometown, Austin, Texas! And the core of the show, Eric and Tami Taylor have the most realistic marriage on TV, no doubt! They are both nominated for Emmys and they so deserve it. So farewell, Friday Night Lights...there will be a huge hole in my televion heart now!

"Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose"

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