Thursday, July 14, 2011

Strange Sleeper

Last night was another night of odd sleeping behavior for me. I am a weird sleeper - I talk in my sleep and have even been known to sleep walk. I sleep very deeply and Cam is a light sleeper so he usually wakes up during these antics and reports back to me the next day about them.

I've been staying up really late for the last couple weeks - I've slipped into a pretty lazy summer routine. Last night Cam had been asleep for awhile and I was playing on my laptop in bed with the TV on. When I finally laid down to go to bed, I kept the TV on for a bit - something about listening to news channel chatter helps me wind down, and I remember turning off the TV right before I feel asleep.

Cue to the morning: I wake up and realize that the TV is back on AND the clock radio is on at very low volume. Of course I have to ask Cam what happened because I have no memory of it. He tells me he woke up at 3 AM because I was talking in my sleep - he can't remember what I was saying. Then he heard a weird noise and was trying to figure out what it was. Hearing that sparked a memory - I do remember him talking about a noise and listening for it. Clearly I wasn't too concerned about it though, because I passed out again. Later on in the early morning I somehow managed to pick up not one, but two remotes to turn the TV back on and change the channel from FOX to MSNBC. And then to complete the crazy sleep cycle, I turned the radio on. What the heck? Do other people do this stuff, or is it just me? Remember those news stories a few years ago about people who would do crazy stuff in their sleep when they took Ambien? I remember seeing a video of one of those people in their dark kitchen devouring food in the dead of night completely asleep!!!! This is my worst fear - haha! I am doing this stuff without Ambien or any sleep meds! Bizarre.

Do you have any strange sleep habits?

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